There is a saying that the only two institutions to survive the Middle Ages are universities and the Catholic Church. While historians may debate the truth of that insight, my interests in the field of international relations and my own approach to the topic and teaching have been overwhelmingly influenced by my formative educational years…
Tag: Economic Development
H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable 15-48 on Fajardo, The World That Latin America Created
Margarita Fajardo’s inspiring book, The World that Latin America Created: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America in the Development Era, has elicited generous engagement and praise from the three participants of this roundtable review, all of whom are historians of Latin American and international development. In Vanni Pettinà’s words, this is a “very welcome”…
H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable 15-44 on Iandolo, Arrested Development
Alessandro Iandolo’s Arrested Development: The Soviet Union in Ghana, Guinea, and Mali, 1955–1968 was published in 2022, and was awarded the W. Bruce Lincoln Prize for the best first monograph in Russian History as well as the Marshall D. Shulman Prize for the best monograph on the international relations of the USSR, both from the…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable 15-23 on Franczak, Global Inequality and American Foreign Policy in the 1970s
The reviewers in this forum agree that Michael Franczak’s Global Inequality and American Foreign Policy in the 1970s is a “well researched” book that offers a “skillful synthesis,” as William Glen Gray puts it, of US approaches toward Third World efforts at global economic reform in the 1970s. Franczak’s analysis begins with the campaign for…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable on Adler, Engineering Expansion
Research on the physical expansion of the United States has a crucial subtext: the importance of geopolitics. The conquest of the North American continent and, later, the expansion into the Pacific and Caribbean facilitated the large growth of the United States, the great accumulation of wealth, and the addition of dozens of more states into…