Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel occurred over a year ago, but it will be a long time before we can list all the consequences. What we know already is devastating. Hamas killed about 1,200 Israelis and took 251 hostages back to Gaza. Israel’s response was a ferocious war in Gaza, a combined air and ground…
Tag: Israel
H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable 16-21 on Whitlark, All Options on the Table
Rachel Whitlark’s All Options on the Table: Leaders, Preventive War, and Nuclear Proliferation brings together two critical areas of international relations research: nuclear politics and the role of individual leaders. After the Cold War ended, many historians and political scientists turned their attention away from nuclear weapons—and even, for a few years, from international security more…
H-Diplo | RJISSF Commentary II-5 on the Israel-Hamas War
On 7 October 2023, Hamas attacked Israel in an unprecedented and unexpected manner. The attack, which included taking 240 hostages, killing more than 1,100 citizens, and engaging in “widespread sexual assaults against Israeli women” shocked the Israeli national psyche.[1] Israel responded with unprecedented force which (as of mid-April 2024) has led to more almost 38,000…
H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable 15-38 on Lerner, From the Ashes of History
I am honored to provide this brief introduction to the roundtable discussion on Adam Lerner’s award-winning book.[1] As Lerner notes in his response, I endorsed it with a highly favourable blurb. I wrote: Through meticulous, powerful, and gripping case studies and a careful but also forceful set of theoretical assertions, Lerner’s ambitious book brilliantly demonstrates…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Commentary: “From Disengagement to Unprecedented Engagement: the US, the War in Gaza and the New World Order”
Is it just a coincidence that at the same time as President Joe Biden’s wartime visit to Israel, the Chinese and Russian leaders met in Beijing in the framework of the Belt and Road Conference? While the timing might be a coincidence, the contrast between the two events indicates some of the links between the…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Commentary II-1: “Massacre in Israel: A Transformational Moment, or More of the Same?”
H-Diplo|RJISSF Commentary Editor: Diane Labrosse | Production Editor: Christopher Ball 15 October 2023 | Vol. II: No. 1 “Massacre in Israel: A Transformational Moment, or More of the Same?” https://hdiplo.org/to/CII-1 Essay by James R. Stocker, Trinity Washington University On 7 October 2023, the Palestinian militant group Hamas shocked the world by launching attacks by land,…
Article Review 143 on “‘When Pigs Fly’: Britain, Canada and Nuclear Exports to Israel, 1958-1974.”
Our planet is approaching an environmental cliff edge. Deforestation, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change put our future at risk. Nuclear power, once envisaged as a source of energy that would become ‘too cheap to meter,’ is now regarded by some as a ‘green’ alternative to fossil fuels.[1] For advocates of nuclear power, developments…
Article Review 139 on “Substate Organizations as Foreign Policy Agents: New Evidence and Theory from India, Israel, and France.”
Nicolas Blarel and Jayita Sarkar have written a valuable article on the intra-state politics of foreign policy. An extensive line of research in recent years has examined how domestic political competition (i.e. elections and parties), public opinion, and leaders can shape foreign policy. Yet bureaucracies within the state – what Blarel and Sarkar refer to…
Article Review 82 on “From Israel with Deterrence: Strategic Culture, Intra-war Coercion and Brute Force.”
The main questions Professor Adamsky addresses in his timely article are three: What is the logic behind the Israeli conceptualization of the use of force in low intensity conflicts as “deterrence operations?” How did the Israelis come up with such a way of thinking? And what are the consequences of the policy which rests on…
Article Review 80 on “Learning to Deter. Deterrence Failure and Success in the Israel-Hezbollah Conflict, 2006-16.”
In 2004, Daniel Sobelman wrote a monograph for the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies on the “new rules of the game” between Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah[1]. The book described how both organizations had adapted their military positions following the IDF withdrawal of 2000 to maintain the status quo. Two years later, this argument…