In today’s context of heightened nuclear dangers, nuclear disarmament may seem like a faraway dream. Today’s nuclear landscape is characterized by threats of nuclear use, states modernizing and sometimes expanding their nuclear arsenals, violations and withdrawals from arms control treaties, and the possibilities of new states developing nuclear weapons. The prospects for arms reductions, let…
Tag: Nuclear Disarmament
H-Diplo | RJISSF Roundtable 15-53 on Hymans, “The Bomb as God”
In a recent book, Vipin Narang listed twenty-nine states that had taken steps to acquire nuclear-weapon capabilities at one time or another.[1] Among them, nine completed the task by establishing extensive productive capacities, deploying nuclear forces, and engaging openly in nuclear deterrence and power plays. The other twenty had gone a distance, in some cases…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Policy Roundtable III-2: NATO and Nuclear Disarmament
In the aftermath of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Finland and Sweden applied for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This constitutes the most fundamental security shift in the Baltic Sea region since the end of the Cold War. As members of NATO, the two Nordic neighbors will intensify…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable 15-17 on Pelopidas, Repenser Les Choix Nucléaires
This important and well-researched book appears at a time when concern about nuclear weapons, which lapsed after the end of the Cold War, has resurfaced because of the war in Ukraine and anxieties over Iran. The recent film Oppenheimer gives eloquent expression to these fears, with the main character worrying that the development of the…
H-Diplo|RJISSF Review Essay 72: Egeland on Intondi, Saving the World from Nuclear War
Vincent J. Intondi’s Saving the World from Nuclear War offers a compelling history of the planning, execution, and legacy of the fabled June 12, 1982 nuclear disarmament rally in New York City. Accompanied by musicians like Bruce Springsteen, Jackson Browne, and others, an enormous crowd of people gathered in Central Park to resist the arms…