To grasp what Bleddyn Bowen calls “the original sin of space technology” (3)—its military heritage—one only need follow the daily press. Lawmakers are pushing to create a Space National Guard from which the fledgling US Space Force can draw experienced personnel.[1] SpaceX, after providing internet services to Ukrainian troops through its Starlink satellite constellation, has…
Tag: security
H-Diplo|RJISSF Roundtable 14-22 on Joshua Busby, States and Nature
Scholars and pundits have long been interested in understanding how climate change could generate negative security outcomes, such as protests, civil wars, and interstate conflicts. Yet the contentious debate over whether drought in Syria contributed to the outbreak of civil war in 2011 demonstrates the complexities involved in making causal connections between climate change and…
Roundtable 1-1 on “Biology and Security”
This roundtable broadly addresses the application of recent developments in biology, behavior genetics and neuroscience to topics in international relations and security studies. Advances in the life sciences have been applied to topics in political science; most of those applications have been restricted to the realm of voting behavior and public opinion broadly construed[1]. However,…