“Is there any way you will trust me?” Inigo Montoya asks a masked man below him who is free-climbing the rock face of a mountain. Someone had hired Inigo to kill the Man in Black. He is eagerly waiting to fight him in a duel, but the Man in Black believes that if he takes…
Tag: teaching roundtable
H-Diplo|ISSF Roundtable 14-3: Teaching Critical Approaches to International Relations
I very much enjoyed reading the four contributions to this roundtable. The theme that runs through all four is the different journeys, taken by different people, that nonetheless led to similar conclusions about how we can teach International Relations (IR). Underlying all this, for me at least, is a disquieting feeling that, over the last…
Teaching Roundtable 11-6 on The Clash of Civilizations in the IR Classroom
Samuel Huntington’s “The Clash of Civilizations” is the most important contemporary political science thesis in U.S. higher education. That is not an opinion, and it is certainly not an endorsement. It is a plain statement of fact. The best available source of evidence on how often professors assign readings, the Open Syllabus Project, records that…